Before you make any purchase, our online pharmacy recommends that you carefully read its terms and conditions. is free to make any changes to the website and its rules and regulations at any time. Before you make a purchase with, please ensure that you have read and understood all terms and conditions.
All the products that, the online medical store offers are produced by Indian manufacturers as well as manufacturers from other countries in accordance with the FDA / WHO standards. This trusted Indian online pharmacy allows buyers to place bulk orders for personal use only (not for sale), without fear of being scammed.
The generic drugs are similar in chemical composition to their counterparts in the US. Indian subsidiary pharmaceutical companies receive a license from the chief pharmaceutical companies to patent prescription drugs, and then they put them up for purchase at a low price.
After the purchase, your credit card will be immediately charged. All details regarding the payment will be sent to you via email. We won’t ship your order until 24 hours after payment has been received. This allows you to change, cancel or update your address and/or the item that you have ordered.
It is recommended to print the transaction information Terms and conditions and keep them in an easily accessible location.
Registering for or purchasing medicines requires you to share your personal and confidential information
- It is essential to share your personal information in order to buy pills online. There is no need to register. If you want to be a member, you can register on our website.
- You get exclusive membership offers and discounts by being a member.
- You can continue using the site as a guest user, but you will need to share some personal information in order to keep track and refer back to it later.
Cookie policy acceptance
- You may want to agree to our cookie policies if you frequently buy medicines from our portal. You will save time when ordering your pills by accepting our cookie policies.
- Accepting our cookie policy will allow us to save all of your personal information on our terms and conditions. You don’t have to input all your personal information next time you visit our portal to buy medicine. It is already stored on our data servers.
Age guidelines for visiting our portal
- Our portal is not allowed to be used by anyone below 18 years. Continue on and you accept these guidelines.
- Continue with the age confirmation rules to confirm that you are over 18 years old and have knowledge about all risks associated with buying medicine online. If you give misleading or false information, we can hold you responsible.
We welcome your feedback and comments.
- You can leave a review or a comment about your experience with any medicine. Perhaps you would like to share your thoughts and experiences by leaving a review or writing a comment.
- Our customers have the final say. We don’t encourage you to leave any comments or reviews on our website. We hope you’ll share your thoughts and leave reviews.
- Genericpharmacist’s credibility and authenticity is enhanced by the fact that you can post your comments and reviews on our website. It also allows other customers to share their experiences with the same medication.
Shipping time
- Your shipment may take longer to reach your door than you expect. We promise to deliver your shipment as soon as possible, but there are times when things happen beyond our control.
- In our terms and conditions policy, the delivery date we give is an estimate and can change due to unexpected delays. In our terms and conditions we provide, If you are not satisfied with the delay, you can cancel your order and request a refund.
Availing discounts
- You must read the terms and conditions of any cashback or discount offer before you can access it. If you meet the terms and conditions, you will be eligible to avail of the offer. It is often time-bounded, with cut-offs and deadlines within which your order must be completed.
Customs fees to be paid
- Sometimes, your international delivery package may have been held by customs. It is up to our customers, and not us, to negotiate with customs authorities and pay any applicable charges. It will be returned to our shipping centres if it does not return within a reasonable time.